Can you imagine a place that when you enter makes you feel clean, your creativity is energized, you can focus on your purpose, and you’re not worried about making a bad impression when someone shows up? Can you imagine having a special request and your needs being addressed? Can you imagine connecting with a team that takes responsibility and learns to lead by service? That is exactly what we believe at TIMKAT Cleaning Services in Dayton, OH, and would like to provide for you.
How teachable are you? How concerned are you with visibility, recognition, or significance? Are you overly concerned with or focused on comparison or entitlement? How coachable or teachable are you? This has everything to do with your response to others; the client, other employees’ needs, and your boss. - INSPECT WHAT YOU EXPECT AND EXPECT GREAT THINGS
If we have a vision of what we want something to be only working hard is not enough. You do need to inspect what you have done to see it matches your vision. It is only through inspecting that we also begin to have a detailed eye for cleaning. Like all things that takes practice and sometimes feedback. If you want to do well on a test when you are done you go back and inspect your answers. The same is true here. You will never be perfect when you start a job and you will never be perfect when you finish. Therefore, we will celebrate progress. The question is what is your standard of excellence, your commitment to excellence and learning to get there? - FINISH WELL REMEMBERING YOUR WHY’S
We all have a why in life and we each have a reason or a “why” for taking a job. It could be to make ends meet in your household, to pay for college, to have spending money, save for retirement, or vacation. The bottom line for all these reasons is to better some relationships you have. We also have a purpose or a “why” for when we are on the job. We are serving the people who work there, those who visit there including customers and vendors and all their families. Because our work also affects all who work for TIMKAT Cleaning we also are serving them and their families. These three, why’s, are important to remember when we clean. They give us purpose, energy, and focus. When you get tired and want to skip a corner remembering your Why” can be motivational. When we remember why we are doing what we are doing it checks our motivation. Are we in this for selfish reasons or to serve? Part of our mission as a cleaning company is to develop servant leaders and build community. Much is at stake.